Once the required number of balls have been frozen, a shot to the left loop will start multiball, putting one additional ball into play for every freeze earned. After hitting the five yellow standup targets a set number of times, the player can hit the right inlane to light "Quick Freeze" on the left ramp, then shoot the ramp to light one of the four Freeze lamps in the center of the playfield. This game is centered on multiball modes. These handles have trigger buttons that can be used to control the flippers, and a smaller pair of thumb buttons that can award bonuses under certain circumstances when pressed.

In addition to the two standard flipper buttons, the cabinet has a pair of gun handles protruding upward above them. Hey scored the music of the pinball game in part based upon the movie score by Academy Award winner Elliot Goldenthal, but including new music. Sylvester Stallone (John Spartan) and Wesley Snipes (Simon Phoenix) provided custom speech for this game during ADR sessions at Warner Brothers Studios in Los Angeles under the direction of Jon Hey. It is part of WMS' SuperPin line of widebody games. It is based on the motion picture of the same name. Demolition Man is a Williams pinball machine released in February 1994.